Consulting Overview

Critical Ops approaches consulting projects as both an art and a science. We bring a very military-esqe flow and discipline to the process, and because we have a history of taking on never-before-seen challenges, very few people (if any) in the world know how to solve them.

If an expert is needed, we’ll add them to the team and put their knowledge and experience to work for you. Sometimes all that’s needed is some hard work and elbow grease. If that’s the case, we roll up our sleeves and get to it.

Business isn’t easy; if it was, every business would be a roaring success. It takes a combination of experience, instinct, intelligence, common sense, and courage to craft a successful strategy, and discipline, determination, and focus help create the processes to make it work. Critical Ops doesn’t bring fluff to the table; we are action-oriented, results-focused, and frighteningly efficient.

Here are some areas of expertise in which Critical Ops can improve your business strategy and processes:

Pilot Programs are aptly named, because they can either successfully get off the ground and soar, or crash and burn in flames. Pilot programs allow organizations to minimize their risk and test new ideas or technologies before fully committing to them and answer the question: Will it work at scale?

Critical Ops can act as your project lead and manage the Design & Planning, Execution & Management, and Evaluation & Analysis of your pilot. Successful pilot program consulting examples include:

  • Blockchain to address supply chain challenges, including counterfeit, theft and full-chain inventory management
  • Remote Sensing for LiDAR, thermal scanning, and ground penetrating insights never seen before
  • E-crime intelligence to mitigate fraud loss in areas you never expected 

New Initiatives are essential for companies looking to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions.

As your new initiative lead, Critical Ops can help drive growth, increase efficiencies, and improve profit margins. We bring external experience and specialized knowledge to the project, as well as a fresh perspective on innovation, which improves resource allocation and focus. We focus on the “new” while you focus on “you” (your business).

Full Implementation and Integration ensures a smooth transition, prevents disruptions, and makes sure your intended synergies are realized by identifying and mitigating risk.

Critical Ops believes technology is an enabler IF the underlying processes are aligned with the people that use them AND they are educated to do their job with confidence and autonomy. As your implementation and integration lead, we’ll make sure they are, and handle:

  • Project Management and Execution
  • Access to Specialized Tools and Techniques
  • Change Management and Organizational Alignment
  • Iterative Optimization

Considering a pilot program or new initiative? Maybe realigning your organizational strategy to better fit your capabilities? Or do you have a big, weird project you just don’t know how to fully implement and integrate into your organization? Whatever the question, Critical Ops consulting is the answer. Let’s chat and get you started on the road to success.

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